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Using Algebra for Life

Writer: Tax Star MobileTax Star Mobile

Some people often say that you never use Algebra after school, but that is far from the truth. You use it everyday. In fact, you can use the principles of solving equations to attack life situations. Let's go over some of the rules of solving equations and expressions as examples.

1- What you do to one side of the equation, you have to do to the other side. Equation means to equate, so both sides have to be equal to keep it balanced. It's a mathematical statement that two expressions are equal. 2x -3^2 = 10x

Life translation- You must maintain balance. You have to treat people the way you would like to be treated. You can't be one sided by expecting something for nothing without doing the work. You can't demand respect from other people while disrespecting others. You can't only want your viewpoint to get across, while neglecting to see the viewpoint of another. It is easy to lose sight of this while paper chasing or in survival mode.

2- Combine Like terms. Like terms are terms whose variables are the same. It helps to come to a solution faster by eliminating the extra work.


=4m+7y+5 Life translation - Focusing on differences takes you longer to come up with a solution. When you focus on the similarities, you join together to make a stronger impact.

3- Factoring. It is like "splitting" an expression into a multiplication of simpler expressions. The process of factoring is essential to the simplification of many algebraic expressions and is a useful tool in solving higher degree equations.

x2+4x+3 = ( x+3)(x+1)

Life translation - Each problem has a factor or factors that contribute to that problem. You must identify EACH factor and acknowledge it to get to the solution. Factoring breaks down a big problem into smaller ones. You then identify each smaller problem as some in your control to change (simplify), or something you must leave and move on from (cannot be simplified). In life we must learn to accept what we can and cannot change, and adapt.

4 - Functions. A function is a relation from a set of inputs to a set of possible outputs where each input is related to exactly one output. The metaphor of a function machine that takes in an object for its input and, based on that input, spits out another object as its output.

f(x) = x^2+ 1

Life Lesson. What is your function? If your function is positive, you will look to feed on positive things to get positive outcomes. If your function is negative, you will feed on negative things and have negative outcomes. And what you put into the universe you will get back with interest.

We could probably go into binomials, completing the squares and such, but lets stick to the 4 principles. LOL


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